Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I am so tired of the Iraq debate. We are already there. Whining about it is pointless, counter-productive even.
The reason we didn't find any WMDs is because when the UN (there's an honorable group, eh?) was there, they were so ineffective that I'm sure many things were removed to other places during that time. They probably took payola too. Look at Mr. Kofi Annan's bit of nepotism and how it helped the "oil for food program."
Anyway, we are already there. Certain Iraqi people groups need not fear genocide anymore. Women and girls will not be subjected to "rape rooms" anymore. Citizens will not have war waged against them by their own government anymore. So why the continued bitching?
Why not pitch in and help Iraq rebuild into something better than what it was under Saddaam's regime?
Granted, as soon as we leave, they will probably go to Sharia Law and start oppressing the population that way but that is neither here nor there.


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