Sunday, August 21, 2005

Day Is Done, Rant Mode (caution: language)

Almost done with online amusements...4 minutes late for taking Inuyasha tonight.
Sis-in-law came over. She is having gastric bypass surgery soon...a barbaric procedure I think. I'm worried. This knowledge started rant mode.
I've been in rant mode most of the evening. When s.i.l. left, I asked the old man "What are they(Drs.) trying to do? Fucking kill her?? This surgery causes iron deficiency! She already has that!! Stomach ulcers! It's modern-day bloodletting! Medieval-fucking-Butchers! What the fuck??", etc...
Earlier, the subject of one of my young relatives being pregnant (a state I am not going to be experiencing ever, apparently)came up. "So a 16 year old is going to know more about motherhood than me? This makes me deficient. To a 16 year old! Stupid expectations of womanhood...I'm complete already goddamnit! Fuck!", etc.
...and earlier, someone mentioned my stepson, the backstabber who threatened to make up stuff about his dad and report it to Child Welfare"Goddamnit! His shit is still here. It's taking up room. When the fuck is he picking it up?? I need the space for better stuff! Goddamnit!! Making up lies, the little shithead. Fuck!" etc.
Most of the time I'm mellow. Something set me off today though. It's like I suddenly become painfully aware of what a twisted world this is. Then these hurt feelings come up and I have to let them go. I have to express them and let them go. No more anger turned inward. I curse when I'm hurt and angry. It's a release. I'm not going to implode for the sake of propriety and good manners. To top it off, EL Viejo is going back on the road tonight.


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