Wednesday, August 17, 2005

No Time to Dream

Marie (bride-to-be) came over today so we could work on her wedding stuff. She really is a nice person and we had fun chatting. There were some heart stopping moments when I was sewing on her wedding dress. It came from France to boot. I was so afraid of fucking it up.
She took off the foofoo puff sleeves and I sewed what was left into "tank top" style sleeves.
I have some things left that require handsewing like making the front lower and taking it in on the sides. I need to finish table decorations also. Can't find my hot glue gun so I have to use regular glue. I just don't have the patience for it.
So it's 11:12 pm and I'm letting my parrot stay up late because he was in his cage while Marie was here. After I put him to bed, back to the dress. Fortunately, I had a good dinner and a short nap.
I am running out of Franken-tea, the iced tea concoction I brewed up yesterday because I needed something sweet to drink. Tonight I will make Franken-Coffee: my version of iced coffee. We'll see how it goes.
~Franken Tea: Brew a pitcherfull of Tetley Tea. Add one can of Sweetened Condensed milk and three fistsful of sugar. Shake well and refrigerate.~
Old man is in Roswell, New Mexico. Good place for him, I say. He's closer to home anyway.
hmm...almost time for medication...Inuyasha in just over one hour.


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