Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Taxied, Pleasant Time Had By All

Nice driver, also a transplant from Los Angeles.
I bought a book. Well, three books, two of which are cheesy romances. The third is important. It is about types of magazine articles, how to write and submit and make $$.
For years, I've had the goal of completing college but it's really been so I could "show people" that I'm not a failure. "People" being my family.
As I get older, it is harder and harder to do things to please others. I'm more interested in goals based in my growth as a human being. This is probably why I have yet to re-enroll in college.
I recently wrote an essay that will be published in a (non-scam*) book sponsored by a National organization. That's one feather in my cap. It's given me the boost I needed to really take writing seriously as a profession.
I have adequate college education in this area. The nice thing, though, is that writing isn't all about degrees and such. With basic writing skills and talent, I have a fair chance at being successful regardless of education or lack thereof.
I've got nothing to lose and a lot to write about.

*Sadly, there are these scams (a certain poetry site comes to mind) where it is announced that your piece shall be published in an anthology and don't you want to order a few for friends and family? Only $18.99 plus shipping!


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