Sunday, August 14, 2005


I am making wedding decorations for an acquaintance and his fiancee. It is making me sad. This happens to me a lot: the sight of a certain thing or event will make me unbearably sad.
I used to just shove the feeling down but that's like just cutting a weed instead of digging out the root. The root grows and produces a stronger plant.
I started looking at the decorations. There are several sweet looking little white doves...
White doves like the one I held at my parents' second wedding which took place shortly before my parents' second divorce. The next wedding was between my mom, baby on the way, and a man I hardly knew. I didn't want to know him either...And when I did get to know him, I wished he'd go away. A "whole n'other story."
This train of thought started me crying. I hope it's the healing kind of crying and that this can be another painful memory resolved or at least dealt with.
There are too many memories like this, too many symbols waiting to leap at me. No wonder I was always on the brink of suicide before I started working through memories. Life was too painful.


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