Too Much, Too Little

He's gone again. Feast or famine, we spend every moment together than bam, alone.
Time marches on, I had to run errands.
First chore, pay water bill before they shut it off and suck some more money out of me with turnoff fee, turnon fee, extra fee fee.
Then off to roll over stupid payday loan. Of course, I forget to stop by the bank and of course the bank near the loan place won't release any fucking money to me so back to my bank and did I mention I'm in a taxi this whole time?
I got that taken care of and realized I hadn't eaten anything all day so I had a cheeseburger. They say you're supposed to eat every morning, well then your body gets all used it and the first time you skip breakfast, it fucks you all up and you end up spending fifty-five fucking dollars for a scenic cab ride.
For some reason, we have HBO. I'm gonna go watch Dodge Ball then call them and ask if this is free or what? I watched Troy earlier today and Brad Pitt looked great but I wished he'd just keep his mouth shut and look pretty, you know what I mean?
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