Monday, August 29, 2005

10:55 PM

I totally keep forgetting to watch the early showing of Inuyasha. Shit!
So what wins: the desire for self-improvement through going to bed earlier or the obsession with a half-demon dog-person cartoon and his friends?
I also spend way too much time giggling at sites like this one.
Actually, self-improvement is not all it's cracked up to be. So I get up early. I can witness the garbage men empty cans. Hooray.
..and this calorie-counting thing that lasted 15 minutes. What the fuck was that? The last thing I want to be is one of those people that drone on and on about calories and weight like it was the most important thing on the planet.
This is a new thing with me-conformity. It's new and it's false. I think it's founded in insecurity. I find myself wondering about my life. Is it ok to travel along enjoying the view and the company? Or should I be laboring at some worthy task? Maybe just experiencing life is a worthy task.
What is the end result of this task? What are the everyday rewards? I think that becoming more at peace with myself, God and the world is the reward. This isn't a concrete accomplishment like purchasing a house or producing children, but it endures.


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