Saturday, September 10, 2005

Letting Go

I've had to let go of some expectations for the sake of my serenity. One of these is the expectation of fellowship in a church.
I'm too damaged and too different. I can't attend regularly. Guess what, when you don't show up all the time, people forget you. That's just the way it is.
I need a car. I need to fix my credit. Actually, my husband does. Since I'm married to him, it's the same as me having credit problems. It's mainly student loans. Our credit card debt is zero! I've been researching HUD homes since the next step (after purchasing a car) is to buy a house. Oddly enough, alot of HUD homes are located next to railroad tracks. There was one near Flagstaff, AZ (I love that area) for around 100k but it was actually between the tracks and the freeway. hah
Went to the grocery store today. I think I saw my neighbor there. My neighbor is a trip. He pulls his "toys"(RV/camper, ski-doos, boat) into his driveway on a regular basis but I never see him taking them anywhere. Then he stands around next to them. Then he returns them to the back of his property.


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