Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Been off the meds for a few days now and I'm really starting to feel pretty shitty. I don't know why I do it to myself. I do know-its the illness itself. I always feel like I have a deficit of energy...and sitting still is easier than acting on much easier because I feel so tired all the time.
You add the mind tricks and it paints a life not really going anywhere. I have to find my self worth. People get self worth from alot of things-those things have been removed from me. I have to find my self worth in merely existing as a human being, in being God's child and little more.
I would say this is a challenge but I hate that word. I'm not in a challenge, I'm just living life. There's so much double speak designed to soothe a person's ego, so much psychobabble to make a person feel alright...I want it all stripped down, I want life as it is-no labels, no myths...just me and God.


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