Thursday, October 27, 2005

Just Checking In

...for the sake of not skipping too many days, getting out of the blogging habit etc.etc.
Husband is home watching some dreadful zombie movie. I'm here on the computer and I'm just a tad moody today. I think it's hormonal.
I watched this really great movie called "A Walk To Remember" on tv tonight. Sooooo romantic with the theme of redemption through love...and good for some serious crying. lol
Earlier today I watched a movie called "Persuasion." It's based on a Jane Austen novel and it's a quiet movie but still very good with interesting characters. It's about a young high class woman who learns to think for herself in order to find happiness, rather than be "persuaded" to stay away from the man she loves for the sake of social appearances.
I always find shows about that group of people to be interesting: high society types who don't have much money anymore but have all the pride and even arrogance of their predecessors: the ones who actually made the fortune.


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