Sunday, October 16, 2005

Sigh, Spiritual Stuff

A sigh can signify many things. Mine is an all-inclusive sigh.
Just sitting here with my racing thoughts and high anxiety but I still feel ok deep down.
People speak of inner strength. For me, that means that deep down inside is a bedrock that does not quake in spite of whatever is going on. My bedrock is built of faith in a loving God and experience in trusting this God.
It's true that I've been through alot of ugly things, many of which happened in childhood and really weren't my fault at all. Of course, as an adult, I've made trouble for myself but have also been subjected to things I don't deserve that are out of my control.
So why believe in a God that allows bad things to happen? That's the age old question.
I think the answer is something slightly different for every person and each individual must find the answer for himself. I believe that every person who is earnestly seeking spiritual things will get an answer.
Endless discussion about it is pointless. One can always say "Yeah but..." to just about anything.
That's why I think every person must seek an individual relationship with God and find the answers together with God.
...if they are so inclined.


At 6:41 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

If it works for you, then that's all that matters. I'm glad you're feeling more peaceful. :)

pink sparkly princess

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Dreamspinner said...

Thank you, Princess. Me and my moods, huh? lol

At 4:14 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

Man, if you saw how many I can go through in a day too, you'd feel better. lol


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