Monday, November 14, 2005

Why Bother With Anything?

I have been rabidly playing Champions of Norrath on the PS2 for the last few days...hours at a time. I don't really feel like doing anything else. The things I usually do don't bring me any pleasure right now.
That is typical of depression-you lose interest in things that used to make you happy.
I just don't have the energy for it.
Got a letter from my stupid insurance company, United Healthcare. They denied the one claim because information requested was not provided. I know what they want and I provided it. What do you do when your doctor won't bill properly and your insurance company won't pay? They both expect me to pay.
I had two different forms of insurance and I have to pay? Because of the incompetence of UHC and the Dr.s wife who is also his office manager.
Hey, I'm all for the family business but make sure your wife isn't a halfwit before you put her in charge.
They aren't getting a dime from me. If I had the energy for it, I'd really raise some hell but, like most chronically ill people, I don't have enough energy for the bare basics in life.
In the past, I've prayed to God to help me but I'm feeling kind of standoffish with God right now. Probably another symptom of depression.


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