Saturday, November 05, 2005

Ooohhh Movies

I joined Netflix and got my first two movies today.
So, I watched Bridget Jones 2 (Edge of Reason). It was very different from the book but as good as the book. This is a rare thing. I really enjoyed it and may watch it a second time. It is a hilarious movie. I like Bridget. I like how she's so goofy and unpretentious. You get more of a sense of it in the book, but she doesn't realize how charming she is. Hugh Grant looked kind of sweaty and unkempt for most of the movie. Colin Firth is still pretty hot. Love those accents.
Next movie is Napoleon Dynomite which I am watching strictly to see if that weird guy ever opens his eyes completely. Know what I mean? lol...looks like a quirky movie favorite type.
Today is day one of antibiotics. I hate them. They make me feel ill. I'm also worried because whenever I laugh or cough I get a pain on each side where my kidneys are. So I'm going to finish the pills, drink lots of cranberry juice (good natural aid for these things) and if it still hurts, back to the Dr. (yecch) Maybe I should take echinacea too. People use it for colds but it's an all around immune-system booster.
This isn't the first kidney problem. I had a kidney stone a few years back. It mercifully "passed" without incident after the initial feeling of being stabbed in the side. As usual, throwing up helped me feel better. I'm telling you, sometimes it really helps to just fucking puke. Lovely thought...
I remember that I had so many people gleefully tell me how much it hurts to "pass" a stone. Illness can bring out the worst in people sometimes.
hmmm....I am thinking of changing the style of this page into a lighter color...


At 6:56 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Having been around many people when they were sick, it does bring out the worst in them,sometimes the best as well. All depends on the person and the mood at the time. A kidney infection sucks, I've had it happen to me twice and it was nooooooo fun at all. Take care of yourself hun. ::hugs::

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Dreamspinner said...

I guess that's the human condition: apply great stress and you never know what's going to come flying out at you.
Am feeling some better. :)


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