Friday, November 25, 2005

Christmas Thoughts, Other Thoughts

Just watching the holiday madness on TV, today being "Black Friday", the official first shopping day of Christmas. I've become confident with shopping online, myself, which is good because there isn't a lot of variety in my little town when it comes to shopping.
Looks like the Xbox 360 is going to be the lusted-after rarity this Christmas.
I went up to my kitchen sink and looked out the window and my neighbor already has all kinds of decor on his front lawn. So I had my usual grumpy knee-jerk reaction which was "So this is what I'll be forced to look at every time I approach my kitchen sink for the next month."
But then I tried to have a more charitable thought, which was "His kids must be excited. What a nice dad." Now pick your jaw up off the desk. I can have charitable thoughts, dammit.
He did have what seemed to be a new car in the driveway. I'm pretty sure it's his because he was caressing it and patting it like it was his new mistress.
Now on the other side of my house, they were hard at work all Thanksgiving Day and today too. I hope whoever it is got paid well for having to miss their holiday. It sounds like they're on the roof for the most part.
Got an undamaged version of "Spirited Away" from Netflix Wednesday and today I got another movie: "Love Actually" which I've been wanting to see forever. I hope to watch them soon and of course, I'll come on here and bitch about it.


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