Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Night Before Turkey Day

I'm already sorely tempted to have a teeny tiny slice of pumpkin pie. Just a little microscopic slice. Hubby has threatened nameless dire things if I do but who's scared of him?(maybe if I took a little piece and kind of camouflaged the area...)
Got the turkey out to thaw this afternoon. I hope I didn't wait too long. It's a smallish one: 14 lbs. I think I will prepare it breast-side up. Since I'm not "doing" stuffing, I may chop an onion and celery and stuff the bird with that and some herbs. The flavor kind of "steams" into the meat. I also rub the breast with salt and pepper and I may try olive oil too. My mother-in-law used to lay strips of raw bacon across the breast...hmmm. Hubby will be stopping by the store tonight, methinks. He may as well get a bulb of garlic so I can take individual cloves and tuck them under the turkey skin.
The turkey will get cooked first, then while it's "resting" and cooling down, the side dishes will be baked.
After dinner, I'll stick in the pies. Not sure when I'll make the mashed potatoes which will be from scratch. I got some yukon Gold potatoes which have a flaky texture, are somewhat golden in color and have a good flavor. Of course, I add real butter as I mash them. Got some canned milk, may use that in lieu of regular milk.
The only other stovetop item will be the gravy, also from scratch. Maybe I'll prepare the side dishes tonight so they'll be ready to just stick in the oven tomorrow. I bought canned cranberry relish.
Watching some sort of "marathon" on TV is usually something I like to do. I know the Detroit Lions are playing... I'm not a football fan but may have it on for background ambiance. Hubby will be bonding with his laptop, I'm sure.
I will probably be on here tomorrow since I don't have, like, a family and I have a lot of time for myself during these golden years of reproduction.


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