Sunday, November 27, 2005

Yes, but...

Just sitting here contemplating if I want to order pizza. Since I just cooked for two, the leftovers are pretty much gone.
I was reading another blog and that person had brought up something about her blog reflecting who she really is. There was more than that but that was the part that really caught my attention and started me thinking along similar lines.
Does my blog represent who I really am?
I would say, "Yes, but..." My blog captures snapshot-like moments in my life and in my feelings. I just write it out here. That's why one moment I'm all peaceful and talking about God and the next entry has me cursing the very name of the Water Department (Insurance Company, etc...Whoever got me mad that day). Believe me, I feel conflicted about that. I sometimes think I should have this really spiritual blog with Bible quotes and pithy reflections on being a woman of God but that's just not the purpose here. The purpose is to understand myself better and maybe someone else who has a lot of inner conflict can read this and not feel alone. The secondary purpose is to keep me writing on a daily basis since I do want to make a career of writing.
So this blog does reflect me as who I am and I'm either more vitriolic than the average person or more honest about what goes on inside my head.
Now for the "but..." There are some things that I'm not going to put on here...And if you only know me from reading my blog, then you have an incomplete picture of me because of the limits I place on what I write. That isn't a particularly big deal because how well do we know people we meet in everyday life anyway?
Maybe I will start an incredibly spiritual blog...It can be a Dr. Jekyl-Mr. Hyde kind of thing...or it can provide balance in the universe...or it can start me on the road to some personality disorder...


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