Sunday, November 27, 2005

Love Actually

This movie is about (at least) eight different stories of love in its various stages. Once you get the idea that you will not be spending more than three minutes at a time with any of the characters, it's an enjoyable movie.
The characters are interesting even though there are so many of them. It does get a little thin in spots but overall flows smoothly and it did make me cry just a little at the sniffly-romantic spots.
I did also get to finish Spirited Away and damned if it didn't start to fuck up in the exact same spot as the previous dvd. For a moment I thought I was just seeing things or engaging in some "Groundhog Day" type snafu.
Watching the sticky part in fast forward really helped and I don't think I missed much by way of dialogue.
So those puppies go in the mail tomorrow and the next movies I get will be "Meet The Fockers" and "Raising Helen."
I looooooove Netflix.
If you are a reclusive hermit who cringes at the thought of dragging your misanthropic ass down to Blockbuster, Netflix is for you. They didn't pay me to say that either.


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