The Overmedicated. Some of the joys of being heavily medicated are sleepiness, forgetfulness, inability to think clearly. Some times I don't trust my judgement.
Alot of times I don't trust my judgement. For example, now they're telling me I'm bi-polar. So are the times when I feel very happy just episodes of mania? When I feel clever, when I'm talkative, are these symptoms of a disease? I just don't know.
It makes me just not want to be around other people in case they see what I cannot and have not seen until the Dr. finally insisted that this latest disease is my problem. I've been diagnosed with many things and I've researched them to find that the symptoms do match up thus leaving me to contemplate how fucked up things can get.
How can one person be so fucked up? It's amazing that I can even function. I'll attribute that miracle to God. I couldn't do this on my own. And the pills, shit! I've had all kinds of side effects that I don't think I will share today. A pill for every ill, an ill in every pill, one to wake you up, one to put you to sleep, one to make the voices go away, one to keep you calm, one to kep you from going comatose forever and ever amen.